Sunday, 12 October 2008

The house that Penn built, pt. I: The harbour

So after the dissolution of my old island, I found myself inhabiting a section of an OpenSpace sim with my old prim count. But on an OpenSpace sim, that's like half a goddamn sim.

I wanted to make it something like home... my RL home that is. I'm from a picturesque little island in real life, but I live in a city. However much I love being here, I still love the quiet, rural island life.

So I started by building a little harbour:

It's not really functional... in fact, there seems to be a cute little seating area:

Here's a close-up of the end of the quay:

I like taking people for rides round the island in the little floaty boaty.

And if you dive into the harbour, you'll find this underwater garden:

I'm thinking of putting a 7 Seas fishing thing in, and then trying to build the motor boaty you can get out of it. Definitely one of those invisible aquaria down in the harbour so there's some fishies down there. And maybe a sunken galleon.

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