Monday, 13 October 2008

The house that Penn built, pt. II: The cottage

So after the harbour, the next thing was to find a house. My home island has a distinct building style influenced by Breton architecture. Houses tend to have steeply pitched rooves, thick granite walls, and small windows. It's a cosy look.

I found one place that was selling a Breton cottage for only 999L, but after buying it and plonking it down I started finding all sorts of faults with it, like the walls being too narrow (granite walls have to be thick, for stability), and the fact that it had two chimneys and only one fireplace. It also had cutesy little window boxes and a front lawn which didn't work at all for me.

At first I was going to modify the heck out of it, but I needed to mock something up to know what I was aiming for. Here's the translucently psychedelic mockup I created:

But then, I started texturing...

And adding doors and windows...

And by then, I'd built a house. Isn't it cute?

(To be continued)

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