Wednesday, 15 October 2008

I went to a wedding

Can you believe that until very recently I'd never been to a wedding in SL?

Don't worry, I have now. I was invited to the wedding of Chezza Slade and Busta Rustamova.

"It's gothic", said Charisma as she tp'ed me over. I threw on a tuxedo and some eyeliner. That should be enough, right?

Wrong. This was gothic like... well, see for yourself:

I couldn't take my cam off the bridesmaids, who were ethereal in their beauty, standing neatly in a line.

The service itself was unnervingly normal, though.

And the happy couple, dressed in black and red or not, looked great:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that looked great! I've never been to a SL wedding myself I must say, but then again I haven't been there that long too :p