It sucks being male. That's why there are so many women on the grid. Don't talk to me about PMS and childbirth and sexism, those don't happen here - just shoes and dresses and sexy skins. Us guys have to make do with dingy little corners of sim-sized stores, with a handful of dull, dull shirts while you girls twirl around in your latest pretty dresses.
*I* want to twirl around in a pretty frock sometimes. But that's not the subject of this post. Instead, this is about the fact that some designers finally heard us and organised a hunt for us guys.
Admittedly, on Saturday, I didn't even know what a hunt was except that girls would occasionally go "squeeee!" about one and that it involved shoes sometimes. It turns out that a hunt is where a bunch of freebies are hidden round either a store, or a sim, or in this case, the whole grid, encouraging you to explore places you might not otherwise have gone, and in return you get neat stuff.
So the
CS Gridwide Hammer Hunt was created for men to get in on the fun. And I did it. I teamed up with Merrick Thor initially, then a few other passers-by as the hunt wore on.
I accumulated a lot of freebies, many of which were, I'm sorry to say, fugly as arse. But there were some gems in there, such as these sharp polo shirts from
Mischief for Men:

Bluebells' prize was a blue casual suit:
Twisted Rose had two prizes, one of which was this really buff t-shirt, which I have pretty much fallen in love with. Sorry ladies, it's me and the t-shirt all the way now:

I forgive them for the migraine-inducing floor just for making this t-shirt.
I half hoped I'd get some shoes out of it, but the only ones I'd even half wear are this Grunge Hustlers from

There's probably a whole load of ettiquette about commenting on freebies, and I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings here, especially not Ivey Deschanel's because she's really nice and made the hammers in Sn@tch bigger after she heard me whinging :D So I'm picking on Sn@tch here because I know she's cool and isn't going to have a tantrum if she reads this. There were worse offenders.
Here's the problem: these shoes do not make me think that I'll go to where I got them next time I want to spend L$ on a new pair of shoes. Just for reference, here's a pair of shoes that I love, my Jaywalker sneakers from Detour:

See, if someone had dropped a pair of these or something similar in the hunt, I would have a new favourite shoe shop.
Sn@tch does generally rock, as does Ivey herself, so please don't think I'm generally down on them. Okay, was that crawling enough? I'll do a special post on Sn@tch to make up for it :) There were far worse offenders in the hunt, place that just made me think, what are they trying to achieve here? Offloading excess stock of their first ever designs?
Anyway, when I work out how to put a fold in a Blogger post (like an lj-cut in LiveJournal; any help appreciated) I'll post some nudey pics of the skins that were in the hunt.
Oh, and stay tuned tomorrow for the results of my "What sex are your friends?" survey.