There's a real art to choosing a good name for your avatar in Second Life. My first ever one used my real first name and the surname "Eponym", because I thought that was clever. It turned out to be really stupid.
Then I tried a couple of avies with non-gender-specific names so I could go TV for RP areas. I still have one of them as an alt, but eventually I just went with the old saw of naming myself after a celebrity.
ArminasX Saiman has been doing some long hard thinking about avie names, and has produced a quizzy thing where you can find out how good your choice of name was
Score your avatar's name
"Penn Euler" scored 76!
Extraordinary SL Images by Elisha -- Including Two Photographs from Sims
Inspired by Paris & Blade Runner!
Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and
digital painting Elisha has many extraordinary photos. I found this
enigmatic pic from...
2 days ago
1 comment:
And my full name rates a 58 only because it can be abbreviated
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