I was totally busy while I was on SL this weekend, but somehow I hardly generated any pictures from it.
The main thing was working on the the low-prim piano, which was going really well until I totally arsed it up and made it look like a panda. At that point I had to forget that I was a man and sat down and had a damn good stamping, crying hissy fit all over it. Anyway, no pictures because it isn't finished and frankly right now it's awful.
Then I was running round the grid looking at malls because my current mall was moving and I didn't love the replacement I was being asked to move to. I ended up taking the plunge and renting a 64x64m commercial plot from the same guy I rent my home plot from. Lots more work to do now turning it into a shop. No pictures, because right now it's an explosion in a prim factory.
Yesterday morning featured Onigokking round a dildo tree. Dat's srs bidness, dat iz.
Then there was a shopping trip with Wry last night, but there are no pictures because... well, because I suck frankly.
Extraordinary SL Images by Elisha -- Including Two Photographs from Sims
Inspired by Paris & Blade Runner!
Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and
digital painting Elisha has many extraordinary photos. I found this
enigmatic pic from...
2 days ago
Piano panda... panda piano... lol
I hope you saved backups and can go back to the last good copy. When I was building my house, I kept saving copies of it in case I were to muck it up somewhere along the way. I have "house v.1", "house v.2", "house v.3" and so on in my inventory!
Dildo tree?? /me perks right up
I do have saved copies, but the panda effect came in when I started making the baked textures for it, which is a necessary stage.
As for the dildo tree... ask the Ch'Know group, I think it might have been Eva who found it, but there were quite a few folks onigokkoing round it.
I found that the two trickiest things where building is concerned is aligning prims and texturing. If I could figure out how to make my own textures, I might try to sell some on SLX... I've so far resisted going into GIMP, but maybe I should.
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