He also has an awesome new shop, where you can see his airstrike fireworks:

That's Chari on the right, shielding her head, and Alicia turned out and is on the left hoping her babydoll doesn't catch light.
Quaintly IMed me and asked about a low-prim piano. I deemed this to be a good challenge. Here's some of the work in progress:

Loooong way to go yet. Althoug it is low prim, like about 5 in that picture :D
Onigokko lives on. Some shop had some free food-related outfits which I went to get and it took about 0.0002 seconds for the onigokkos to come out.

I can't remember what the shop was or who was wearing what oh my god i'm so sleepy i can barely remember what I'm doing right now o halp
EDIT: I'm so sleepy I didn't even see that ::MIA:: logo in the goddamn picture... find it in search... I'm sure it's great... free food... zzz...
My pal Wry is fixing up his new avie, here he is with a 90% noob avatar (one of the new ones) plus a different freebie skin and some rocking new hair:

I'll work out what the shop was etc. and put up some "after" pics later in the week.
Can I haz bed nao?
Diversity Hair
You did that half-asleep and managed to make it in 5 prims?! If you succeed in keeping the whole thing below 15 prims I will bow down and worship you as the Prim God. Gosh!!!
You may need one more prim for the music sheet stand just above the keyboard :P See the pics on my blog, I like the one in the last picture (actually I like the entire piano in the last picture, but there's no way I can fit 47 more prims on my land!).
Thanks for the kind words, my friend. You are truly an inspiration.
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