I was over at BAPFH looking at houses after Caillaigh Elfenbeim asked if anyone had any recommendations, and I had to go round the corner and look at the graveyard at Tableau again. It's such a cool place.
But this time I dicscovered something new. Ambling through the pretty green haze, I fell into an open grave...
And ended up in this weird underwater club:
I had to enteratin the non-existent crowd, of course:
Rolling Restarts for Second Life RC Channels
*THIS IS A SCHEDULED EVENT Mar 12, 07:00 - 12:00 PDT*
Mar 7, 10:25 PST
*Scheduled* - We will be performing rolling restarts for regions on the
Second Lif...
Changing To Wordpress
Blogger recently gave notice that they will be blocking blogs with sexually
explicit content starting on March 23rd. Although neither of my blogs have
Benefits of Interactive Learning
One of the essential things that traditional training practice lacks is
interactive learning. In traditional training, the trainer talks about the
new str...
Hello Cupcakes! *sighs* Yes, I have been M.I.A. from this blog for far too
long. Yes, I am accepting spankings as a punishment. I meant to do this
post las...
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