[12:15] Caillaigh Elfenbeim: whoever wants in at truth, cue up, im tping out
[12:15] Caillaigh Elfenbeim: ready....
[12:16] Caillaigh Elfenbeim: set...
[12:16] Caillaigh Elfenbeim: go....
[12:16] Cailin Navarathna: lmao
[12:16] Penn Euler: I GOT IN!!! Thankyou Caillaigh!
[12:16] Caillaigh Elfenbeim: yay!
[12:16] Caillaigh Elfenbeim: you're welcome
It certainly was busy... this picture hardly seems to do it justice:

I got loads of stuff, which I may or may not blog later - I suspect there'll be a lot of people blogging their wins. I managed to find Chari there, and we struggled towards each other in slow motion. After an hour of compulsive purchasing we were both very glad to TP out to somewhere we could walk unimpeded and had a little fashion show for each other.
Firstly, we decided that matching hair is slightly more tragic than matching anoraks:

Along the way I'd bought 4 fat packs of hair, and one of them made me just look like Alex James. Coupled with a "hitman" suit, also from Truth, I was told that I wasn't allowed to change, ever again:

I reckon I'm going to keep that hair for a bit.
Chari liked it so much that I got glomped:

I didn't get enough pictures of all the pretty things she bought, but here's a cute burgundy dress:

That's it for now. I'm going to be away from SL for an extended weekend (back Tuesday afternoon UK time/Tuesday morning SL time), so the piano is on hold till then :'(
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