Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Creating LOD-friendly versions of existing sculpts
Monday, 27 October 2008
Thanks, Laleeta. You shouldn't have. No, really. You shouldn't.
It goes like this:
- Link to the person that tagged you
- Post the rules on your blog
- Share 6 non-important/habits/quirks about yourself
- Tag 6 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
- Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website
- Let your tagger know when your entry is up
Okay, 6 random things about me:
- I like whisky, but I'm a snob. I'm tackling a bottle of Glenmorangie at the moment, but my all-time favourite is Balvenie Doublewood. And I've had a few bottles of Bunnahabhain recently. I'm also in the pro-peaty Islay malt camp, so I like the occasional Laphroaig.
- I won't watch or read anything to do with Harry Potter until a year after the last movie has come out. I suspect I will love it, but it's just been totally overexposed.
- I... like... yoghurt. Sheesh.
- I spent some time today evaluating the differences between Genshi, Mako, Cheetah, Jinja2, and Django templates. Jinja appeals because it's conceptually similar to Django's template language, but more powerful... but then again, harder to extend. Genshi and Cheetah have unappealing syntax. Mako has its roots in HTML::Mason (via Myghty) and I used to love H::M to bits back in the early noughties. So I think I might look into that some time.
- Fucking blogger fucked up and raped itself in the arse so hard while I was writing this post that I had to ditch it and start again.
- I don't know anyone with a blog who hasn't done this meme already.
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Where Penn is this week
"I've been busy building a streaming radio station with online playlist requests."
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Friday, 17 October 2008
Pirate Seagull Ghosts
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
I went to a wedding
The house that Penn built, pt. IV: Credits
The house that Penn built, pt. III: Interior
Monday, 13 October 2008
The house that Penn built, pt. II: The cottage
Sunday, 12 October 2008
The house that Penn built, pt. I: The harbour
Sweaty armpit dance
Saturday, 11 October 2008
ARC Rant
Note that these weightings, and their resultant totals, are not a *perfect* measure of your cost- but more of a relative counter to weigh against other avatars. Point: it’s close, but it’s not scientifically perfect. For that, you’d have to delve deep into batch sizes and draw calls. These weightings and their description/rationales were written by Runitai Linden, one of our most senior graphics engineers and a man who knows rendering efficiency!
Friday, 10 October 2008
Back once again with the renegade hamster, D for Damager, Power to the people
Saturday, 6 September 2008
I haven't seen you in church lately
So apologies to all the people who think I'm ignoring them. I'm not. Well, I am, but it's not because I hate them :)
I need to watch silly YouTube vids, play directed games (as opposed to SL's very undirected experience), curl up on a sofa with Charisma and recharge the the ol' batteries a bit.
Friday, 22 August 2008
Penn builds a Piano

Yes, it really is that pretty! Here's a close-up of the shiny, shiny pedals:

There's an animation in the stool from Bits'n'Bobs. Here I am wearing a tuxedo with my hair all combed and nice, playing it:

Head to my shop (slurl) to see it, or check the SLExchange listing.
Plaudits to Quaintly Tuqiri for inspiring me to make this thing.
Friday, 15 August 2008
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
What sex are your friends - THE RESULTS
First up, absolutely no-one thought that there were more male than female avies, and only a small number of people thought it was 50-50. So we're all agreed that female avies are the majority.
Looking just at the female respondents, a pattern emerges which I thought I might see: women have mostly female friends in real life, but mostly male friends in SL. In fact, none of the women who said their RL friends were "more female than male" gave the same answer in SL (they split, half saying "more male than female" and half saying "about 50-50".
The same pattern comes through with the guys (albeit with fewer respondents - big surprise). We generally have more male friends in real life (although there was some spread, and one guy reported that he had almost exclusively female friends), but mostly female friends in SL.
Interestingly, the guy who had almost exclusively female friends IRL was the one guy who who had more male friends than female in SL.
The gender makeup of your friends in SL tends to be inverted from the gender makeup of your friends in RL.
Addendum: You can play with the survey results yourself at HeySurvey.
Saturday, 9 August 2008
5 things you didn't know about me
In RL:
I have alarmingly long hair
I'm an Americanophile and think the UK should become the 51st state while it's still worth it.
I have a master's degree in computer science.
I am writing this on a train, on my phone
I love cooking, but I live on my own so I don't have an audience often enough.
In SL:
I have lived on the same island since January, and my new shop is rented off the same landlord.
I don't have an SL family. I'm not judging those who do, I just don't.
I hardly ever voice. I know very few people who do.
I have had a go at creating one of everything - building, sculpting, scripting, posing, texturing, sounding. Right now sculpting is the funnest.
I love finding new hair, shoes, skins, whatever - but most SL fashion for men seems to focus on either the frat boy or the pimp look. I hate those looks.
Friday, 8 August 2008
A selection of YouTube-flavoured treats
See if you can guess which ones I picked and which ones she picked (they alternate).
Thursday, 7 August 2008
You think wat, we free entertainment ah?!
I accidentally lit the blue touchpaper yesterday by putting my Singaporean best friend Chantalelisa Jewell head to head with my new Malaysian friend, Quaintly Tuqiri. I wanted to hear them arguing in Singlish.
Chantalelisa was a little hesitant to get started, but soon got into the swing of it:
Chantalelisa Jewell: u say wan
Chantalelisa Jewell: i just follow
Quaintly Tuqiri: of cos i say lar if not who say?
Chantalelisa Jewell: confirm not penn say. he so blur like sotong
Quaintly Tuqiri: he memang dunno wat we talking wan
Chantalelisa Jewell: ok ok
Quaintly Tuqiri: so bad hor we all
Chantalelisa Jewell: we no bad, penn bad
Penn Euler: you're right, i have no idea, but it's great!
But then somehow I became the target of a combined Asian assault!
Quaintly Tuqiri: yalar penn go ask us to fight!
Chantalelisa Jewell: he want to kena slap
Penn Euler: yipes!
Quaintly Tuqiri: ya asking for trouble man!
Chantalelisa Jewell: whack him upside down
Quaintly Tuqiri: kenot simply disturb girls wan you know
Penn Euler: Alla mak!
Chantalelisa Jewell: inside out, then he know
Quaintly Tuqiri: ya we have the women power!
Chantalelisa Jewell: wah he so smart wan..use alamak
Quaintly Tuqiri: haha now he scared dy
Penn Euler: I'm calling chari over to hear this, it's awesome
Chantalelisa Jewell: no no, enough already
Quaintly Tuqiri: you think wat, we free entertainment ah?!
Chantalelisa Jewell: want to hear must pay ah
Penn Euler: i'll give you both a free piano!
Chantalelisa Jewell: so cheapo
Quaintly Tuqiri: we perform for you must have marnee ler!
Chantalelisa Jewell: u think money grow on trees is it?
Quaintly Tuqiri: yalor!
Thankfully Charisma arrived at this moment to lend moral support:
Quaintly Tuqiri: hi charisma!
Chantalelisa Jewell: this apek confim money no enough
Penn Euler: i'm being ridiculed in Singlish!
Chantalelisa Jewell: hi Charisma
Charisma Kingsford giggles
Quaintly Tuqiri: apek or ah beng first???
Chantalelisa Jewell: oh ah beng
Quaintly Tuqiri: i think he ah beng lar
Quaintly Tuqiri: he too young to be ah pek
Chantalelisa Jewell: cos he a bit young to be ahpek
Quaintly Tuqiri: yalor
Chantalelisa Jewell: now he bring his ahlian
Penn Euler: i think they're being rude about me, but it's hard to tell
Charisma Kingsford: mmmm-hmm!
Chantalelisa Jewell: hehehehe
Quaintly Tuqiri: but mebbe need some yellow hair first then only real ah beng
Chantalelisa Jewell: lol
Quaintly Tuqiri: eh ah beng got wear suit wan ah?
Penn Euler: what the hell is an ah beng?!
Chantalelisa Jewell: ok, that is enough singlish/manglish for the day
Quaintly Tuqiri: haiyor, you dunno, mah google lor
Quaintly Tuqiri: don so lazy wan!
Chantalelisa Jewell: yah lor, can don be so laxy
So what the heck is an ah beng? And why was I being called one?
Chantalelisa Jewell: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ah_beng
Chantalelisa Jewell: so pampered
Penn Euler: Ah Beng is a term commonly given to a member of a group of young Chinese men in Southeast Asia, particularly Singapore and Malaysia. These Chinese men, whose age range from their early teens to late 20s, usually centralise in the busier and more developed cities in the region, but are usually seen as originating from smaller or more rural towns.
Finally Quaintly called Aureis Trevellion over, who is also Malaysian, and she saved me by injecting some sense into proceedings:
Chantalelisa Jewell: hello Aureis
Quaintly Tuqiri: wah your shoes so the pink!!
Quaintly Tuqiri: Aureis, Penn, who finds Singlish/Manglish very entertaining
Quaintly Tuqiri: he a bit strange wan lar
Quaintly Tuqiri: don layan too much k
Quaintly Tuqiri: Aureis oso Malaysian like me
Aureis Trevellion: yes...but not as strange as quaintly
Chantalelisa Jewell: so we now can suan him
Quaintly Tuqiri: but she no speak Manglish wan
Quaintly Tuqiri: too proper oredi
Quaintly Tuqiri: ya but she infected by the Brits lar
Quaintly Tuqiri: how can liddat!
Chantalelisa Jewell: u don no meh
Aureis Trevellion: oh shut up...you don't actually speak like this either you know?
Thankyou, Aureis! But even more, thankyou to CJ and Q for keeping me so well entertained!
Thursday, 31 July 2008
What Penn got at the Truth sale
[12:15] Caillaigh Elfenbeim: whoever wants in at truth, cue up, im tping out
[12:15] Caillaigh Elfenbeim: ready....
[12:16] Caillaigh Elfenbeim: set...
[12:16] Caillaigh Elfenbeim: go....
[12:16] Cailin Navarathna: lmao
[12:16] Penn Euler: I GOT IN!!! Thankyou Caillaigh!
[12:16] Caillaigh Elfenbeim: yay!
[12:16] Caillaigh Elfenbeim: you're welcome
It certainly was busy... this picture hardly seems to do it justice:

I got loads of stuff, which I may or may not blog later - I suspect there'll be a lot of people blogging their wins. I managed to find Chari there, and we struggled towards each other in slow motion. After an hour of compulsive purchasing we were both very glad to TP out to somewhere we could walk unimpeded and had a little fashion show for each other.
Firstly, we decided that matching hair is slightly more tragic than matching anoraks:

Along the way I'd bought 4 fat packs of hair, and one of them made me just look like Alex James. Coupled with a "hitman" suit, also from Truth, I was told that I wasn't allowed to change, ever again:

I reckon I'm going to keep that hair for a bit.
Chari liked it so much that I got glomped:

I didn't get enough pictures of all the pretty things she bought, but here's a cute burgundy dress:

That's it for now. I'm going to be away from SL for an extended weekend (back Tuesday afternoon UK time/Tuesday morning SL time), so the piano is on hold till then :'(
Monday, 28 July 2008
Penn's busy weekend
The main thing was working on the the low-prim piano, which was going really well until I totally arsed it up and made it look like a panda. At that point I had to forget that I was a man and sat down and had a damn good stamping, crying hissy fit all over it. Anyway, no pictures because it isn't finished and frankly right now it's awful.
Then I was running round the grid looking at malls because my current mall was moving and I didn't love the replacement I was being asked to move to. I ended up taking the plunge and renting a 64x64m commercial plot from the same guy I rent my home plot from. Lots more work to do now turning it into a shop. No pictures, because right now it's an explosion in a prim factory.
Yesterday morning featured Onigokking round a dildo tree. Dat's srs bidness, dat iz.
Then there was a shopping trip with Wry last night, but there are no pictures because... well, because I suck frankly.
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Whoooo, spoooooky

But this time I dicscovered something new. Ambling through the pretty green haze, I fell into an open grave...

And ended up in this weird underwater club:

I had to enteratin the non-existent crowd, of course: